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COURSE 1: Tools & Fundamentals

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  1. LESSON 5: Taking Stock
    7 Topics
  2. LESSON 4: Dimensionalizing The Dilemma
    8 Topics
  3. LESSON 3: Creating Characters
    7 Topics
  4. LESSON 2: Creating The World Of Our Story
    8 Topics
  5. LESSON 1: Getting Started With A Raw Idea
    8 Topics
Lesson 53 of 64
In Progress

LESSON 2: Creating The World Of Our Story

Jeff December 19, 2020

In Lesson 1 we jumpstarted our story from a one-sentence idea. Now we’ll think through story possibilities as we explode with cascades of ideas, sketching out characters, the world of the story, and key plot mechanisms. I’ll give you a professional assignment to create ideas for the story’s criminal underworld. Because this is a pre-recorded lesson, I can’t interact with what you wrote for this assignment, but it makes you an active participant in the story creation process.

HINT FOR NAVIGATING THIS COURSE: Because this is a pre-recorded lesson, I can’t interact with what you wrote for this assignment or incorporate it into our thriller, but doing each assignment makes you active in the story creation process rather than merely observing. In Lesson 2, the topics that have assignments or exercises are 2.5, 2.7, 2.8.